Places to visit
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A story-teller

Aleksai family homestead

Amalvos educational path

Anonymity of the crowd


Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel in Marijampolė

Beer house

Blessed Trinity Church

Bukta educational path

Bukta Manor

Bus Stop

Cat patio

Ceci n’est pas un mur

Chapel of Suffering

Choral synagogue

City face wall

Complex of structures of the General Support Logistics Battalion of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytenis


Crowd Surfing

Curia of Vilkaviškis Diocese


Drama Theatre

Etnography and Prezident Kazys Grinius museum

Evangelical Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran Church and School (built in the first half of the 19th century)

Flock of doves

Fragments of Ivoniškis (Gudeliai) former manor house


Haknasat Orhim or Choral Synagogue

High tension

Home of aviakonstruktor Antanas Gustaitis (1898-1941)

Home of blessed Jurgis Matulaitis in Lūginė

Home of folklore collector Andrius Botyrius (1845-1900)

Home of Jonas Kriščiūnas (1888 –1973)

Home of priest Juozas Montvila (1885-1912)

Home of priest Juozas Zdebskis (1929 –1986)

Home of priest Pijus Bielskus (1880-1958)

Home of priest, Siberian Lithuanian soul-builder Kristupas Švirmickas

Home of sculptor Juozas Adomaitis (1905-1990)

Home of the writer Anzelmas Matutis (1923–1985)

Homeland of the writer Kazys Boruta (1905-1965)

Homestead of the national movement character Vincas Šlekys (1870–1946)

iCave Paintings

Kneipp theraphy sensation path

Kvietiškis Manor

Kvietiškis Manor Museum

Landscape of Emotions

Landscape of Emotions II


Light Installation in the City Center

Marian Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Imm aculate Conception in Marijampolė

Marijampole Old Cemetery

Marijampolė Rygiškių Jonas Gymnasium

Marijampole St. Archangel Michael Basilica and Priests’ Marion Monastery

Marijon Printing House and Library

Marijonai Gymnasium

Mass murder of Jews and tomb

Memorial museum of Lithuania President Kazys Grinius

Memorial museum of Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas

Memorial stone for immortal song of V. Kernagis “Kai sirpsta vyšnios Suvalkijoj…”

Monument to Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714-1780)

Monument to linguist Jonas Jablonskis

Monument to linguist Jonas Jablonskis

Monument to Tauras county partisans

Monument to the Duke of LDK Vytenis

Monument to Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas

Monument to Vytautas the Great

Mound of Kumelionys

Mound of Lakinskiai

Mound of Liudvinavas and Old Village

Mound of Meškučiai

Mound of Mounds

Mound of Padovinys

Mound of Riečiai

Mound of Šakališkiai

Mound of Varnupiai (Kirvakalniai)

Museum of blessed Jurgis Matulaitis

Museum of Kazys Boruta

Museum of Marijampolės Rygiškių Jono Gymansium

Museum of Marijampolės Tauro District Dedicated for partisans And Deportees

Museum of Rabbits

New Jewish Cemetery

Old Jewish cemetery

P. Butlerienė’s (cat’s) yard


Park of Marios

Park of Peace

Park of Vytautas Didysis

Pašešupis park

Pheasants in Šunskai


Pizza Umbrella

Poetry park

Railway station

Sasnava Church of the Name of the Virgin Mary

Skardupiai Church of the Virgin Mary, Christian Aid

St. Church of John Paul II

St. George and The King of Ethiopia

St. Margarita Hospital

St. Vincent Paulietis Church

St. Vincent Paulietis Church, formerly St. Peter’s Basilica Nicholas Miracleer’s clerk

Stairway to heaven

Šunskai graveyard

Šunskai Mary Magdaleette Church

The complex of building of the former Teachers’ seminary

The Floating World

The flowering of the fence

The Flying Birds

The historic road saint – Petersburg – Warsaw

The monastic home of the sisters of the Holy Family

The museum of ancient Cars and Motorbikes “Kubilkiemis“

The oldest cemetery in the city

The snake of doughnuts

The Tribute to the Nation and Language monument

The Wall of Cats

Three Cones

Warning From The World