Marijampolė Drama Theatre

Places for cultural events

Phone +370 343 54330
+370 667 01110 (ticket office)

Marijampolė Drama Theatre was established in 15th Oct 1992. Otherwise, the history of professional theatre of Marijampolė started considerably earlier. In the 31st July 1942, the amateur dramatics, functioning in town in the intervening period, is reorganized under the professional reasons and named as Marijampolė Drama Theatre. In that time, theatre had a constant staff troupe of actors while the present theatre doesn‘t have it despite all the efforts. Under the severe circumstances of the Second World War in 1942, the movement of this theatre didn‘t last long – only two years. Later on, there starts a dramatic epopee of the professional theatre of Marijampolė. It was established even three times and liquidated after a couple of years: 1945-1949; 1956-1962; 1988-1992. Particularly painful closedown was in 1962, when the theatre of Marijampolė, thanks to the theatrical, was especially beloved, popular and equal to the best theatres of Lithuania. In the 15th January 1992, the Municipal Drama Theatre of Marijampolė is established and functions till now. Only in 2009, the name of the theatre was changed to „Marijampolė Drama Theatre“. 

Theatre of Marijampolė – is the only Lithuanian theatre, which was established during the severe years of the Second World War. Maybe that‘s why the history of our theatre is so dramatic. The creativity of theatre people and love of the audience is also very important. Even from the 20th century, people of Marijampolė cherish the idea about an eternal professional theatre. Sooner or later, we hope it will happen.

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