The monastic home of the sisters of the Holy Family

Architectural values

Elizabeth Bendoravičiūtė was a founder of the Monastic Sisters of the Holy Family. With the support of like-minded people, Elizabeth wrote the provisions and on March 11, 1931 established the Lithuanian Catholic Community „Sesutės”. The goal was to help people in misery through care, education and brushing in their poverty. Elizabeth was most concerned about the situation of women. She sought to provide education to ordinary village and town girls by setting up a Crafts School. Benefactors gave the sisters a plot of land, where in 1932 the building of the community and the School of Crafts began to be built. In 1935, the house was completed, sisters settled in it, and a seamstress was opened. At that time, the community had 25 girls. In Soviet times, in 1948, a children’s home was established in a building deprived of monks. During all the years of Soviet occupation, the sisters carried out their mission, tried to live in communities, apostasy of prayer and activities. There are currently over 30 sisters in the monastery. They live and work in Marijampolė, Vilnius, Kaunas, Vilkaviškis and Rome (Italy). They pay a particular attention to families, children and young people.